Sunset at the Geographic South Pole
March is a month of anticipation of the upcoming dark, cold, winter along with the excitement of watching the sun set and disappear for 6 months. watching the last of the sun Most of the sunset this year was obscured by clouds near the horizon, but there were a few breaks in the weather. photo of the dark sector with the telescopes and flags in the sun and the shadow of the station, a kilometer away, almost reaching the area (by keith vanderlinde) new station sunset new station flag sunset flags and station sunset pole shot ice cube neutrino laboratory ice cube drilling camp (closed for winter) South Pole Telescope sunset flag line to the dark sector at sunset after sunset-station twilight
A Real-Time Photo of South Pole Station as Seen
from the ARO
Building (live when satellite is up)
South Pole Web Site by Bill Spindler
(Bill Spindler's List)